As most of my clients know, I offer Multi Managed Ethical funds as a matter of course for both my new prospective clients and my existing clients at Client Review Stage.
Surprisingly, a number of other advisers have enquired why I do this. But the answer is simple. Firstly because I believe it is my duty as an adviser to bring Ethical Investing to the attention of Clients. Secondly, because I believe it is another valid option for my clients to have. And thirdly because the FCA (Financial Conduct Authority) believe advisers should offer this option.
Times have changed out of all recognition and the choice of investments associated with Ethical and Socially Responsible investing has dramatically increased over the last few years.
When I started out in this business, if someone mentioned Ethical Investment, your thoughts automatically turned to Friends Provident’s Stewardship Fund. Yes there were others, but the Stewardship Fund was probably the leading light in this sector.
Now there is a much greater choice with Multi Manager Funds available from Investment Houses such as Parmenion, Tatton, King and Shaxson and 7IM to name but a few all with a range of funds geared to the client’s risk profile.
And its not just Investment Funds. Pensions Funds are also available as an option when saving for retirement.
High costs and poor performance used to be arguments against investing Ethically but that has all changed and because of the growing popularity of Ethical Investing, I have taken the opportunity of joining UKSIF (The UK Sustainable Investment and Finance Association) and am looking forward to attending their Annual Conference in November in London to learn more about this important sector.
If you would like to find out more about Ethical and Socially Responsible Investing, why not give us a call or drop us an email and we’ll be happy to have a chat.