Merry Christmas

Well that’s another year over.

And a tumultuous one its been, too.  Not just for ABFM but the country as a whole.

The Brexit negotiations seem to have taken up most of the front pages of the papers and despite all the travels between London and Brussels, we seem no nearer to a solution that is acceptable to all, not least our MPs.  Among many other events, heavy snow fell in February and caused disruption across much of the UK (and caused me to grow a beard because I couldn’t get to work and I remained unshaven for 5 days!) plus we had a Royal wedding in May.

ABFM moved office on the 22nd August and we strengthened our team with the addition of Katy who joined our staff in October.

I travelled to London in November to attend a Conference about Ethical and Socially Responsible Investment and found it to be most enlightening.  Ethical and Socially Responsible Investment has become an important part of our business and it was a valuable trip in that respect.

Once again, I attended the Million Dollar Round Table Conference in North America which was attended by over 14,000 Advisers from all over the world.  Disappointingly only half a Dozen or so attended from Scotland and I was the only practising Financial Adviser from the West of Scotland.

Later today, we have the pleasure of joining our old neighbours, the Vintage Malt Whisky Company, for Christmas Lunch in a local restaurant.  I imagine a few drams will be consumed over the course of the Lunch, but everyone will retain a degree of sobriety I am sure.

May I take this opportunity of wishing all my readers a very happy Christmas and a prosperous New Year.